Menopause is synonymous to change of life. Its also called midlife crisis.

Menopause is caused by a change in the balance of the bodys sex hormone this occurs as you get older. It happens when the ovaries stop producing as much of the hormone Oestrogen and no longer release an egg each month.

Menopause can also be defined as the cessation of menstration.

Its a psychosocial and biological event.

Attitude and and perception transition in a womans life even in the life of a man but the woman is more pronounced.

Studies have shown that there is no big difference between  men and a women.Biologically, a woman has a womb that produces Ovaries while a man has testis and produces sperm.

Ageing process occur in both male and male, it can also be reffered to as ANDROPAUSE.

Ageing , is the major risk factor for developing many major chronic diseases and its associated with decline in functionality and reduced quality of life.

It affects Physiologocal, Psychological  and Biological changes.

Its a transition that occurs over months and years.

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