1. Is reversal really possible?
Emerging research suggests that it could be, at least temporarily. Scientists are looking at two potential treatments, melatonin therapy and ovarian rejuvenation. Each therapy aims to reduce the symptoms of menopause and revive natural ovulation.
Research into these treatments is still in its early stages. Here’s what we know so far and what we still need to find out before these therapies become widely accessible.
2. Some people are undergoing ovarian rejuvenation
Ovarian rejuvenation is a procedure developed by fertility doctors in Greece. During the procedure, doctors inject your ovaries with platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP, which is used in other fields of medicine, is a concentrated solution derived from your own blood.
The procedure is based on the natural growth factors in PRPTrusted
that can aid in:
- tissue regeneration
- improving blood flow
- reducing inflammation
The theory is that it may also reverse signs of aging in your ovaries and activate previously dormant eggs.
To test this, doctors at the Genesis Clinic in Athens conducted a small study with eight women in their 40s. Each of these women had been period-free for about five months. Researchers tested their hormone levels at the beginning of the study and on a monthly basis thereafter to determine how well their ovaries were functioning.
After one to three months, all participants resumed normal periods. Doctors were then able to retrieve mature eggs for fertilization.